Mr Crab 7 has befitted this web site to the requirements of the Organic Law 15/1999, 13th December, on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and to the Royal Decree 1720/2007, 21st December, known as the Development Regulations of the LOPD. It also follows the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April, 2016 related to the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as the Law 34/2002, 11th July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE or LSSI)
1. Personal Data Protection.
1. EJIFRIN, S.L., in compliance with the stipulations set forth in Law 34/2002, July 11th, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, informs you of:
- Its Company name is EJIFRIN, S.L.
- Its VAT is –
- Its Registered Office is in –
- Registered in Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas in paper number –
2.EJIFRIN, S.L. informs that the website aims to facilitate, to the general public, the knowledge of all activities that this company carries out, and all the products and services it provides.
3.EJIFRIN, S.L., in compliance with the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of 27th April, 2016 and all other regulations regarding Personal Data Protection, guarantees the security and confidentiality of all data provided by its clients.
EJIFRIN, S.L., informs that personal data provided through forms in this Website or through e-mails will be included in a web user treatment plan and will be treated in an automated way. By sending any form in this Website, the sender gives his/her consent to be included in the aforementioned treatment with the purpose of being provided with the information requested in the form or subscription.
Given the case that the user decides to complete any form in this Website where personal data are requested, he/she is informed that EJIFRIN, S.L. will adopt any and all technical and organisational measures needed to guarantee the security of the data provided in order to avoid alterations, loses, unauthorized treatments or accesses, according to the present state of technology and following that which is established by current regulations.
EJIFRIN, S.L. cannot, however, guarantee the absolute impregnability of the system, the access net, Internet, and therefore the violation of the data through fraudulent access to it by third parties.
The user will answer in any case to the veracity of the information provided and takes responsibility of addressing EJIFRIN, S.L. concerning any modifications of it, EJIFRIN, S.L. staying, therefore, exempt from any responsibility in this regard.
The purpose of the treatment is to serve as information support to fiscal, administrative, trade and accounting managements of the company.
If desired, you can contact EJIFRIN, S.L., with address on – – LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA, in order to exercise your rights to access, rectify, suppress, oppose, treatment limitation, and portability of your data.
4.EJIFRIN, S.L. is owner or has at its disposal the required permits related to the rights of intellectual property of this Website and the elements contained in it: text, images, sounds, videos, branding, logos, design, etc. In basis of what is established in articles 8 and 32.1 of the Law of Intellectual Property; reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its modality for display, of the whole or part of the contents of this Website through any platform or by any technical means without authorization by EJIFRIN, S.L. and/or any of its respective authors or right owners, is strictly forbidden.
The user may visualize, print, copy and store the elements of this Website , provided that it is solely for its own private use.
Use of the information contained in this Website without authorization, as well as breaching any of EJIFRIN, S.L.’s Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights, shall give rise to the liabilities established by law.
5.EJIFRIN, S.L. reserves the right to modify, without previous notice, whatever is considered appropriate in its Website, being able to change, suppress or add both the contents and services that are offered on the Website, and the way these appear localized.
6.EJIFRIN, S.L. does not guarantee the non-existence of errors in accessing the Website, in its content, nor that it’s updated, even though it will develop its best efforts to, given the case, avoid, amend, or update them.
EJIFRIN, S.L. is not to be held responsible, in any case, of liquidated damage of any nature that could be caused by, including: errors or omissions in contents, unavailability on the server side, or the transmission of viruses or malware in the contents, despite having adopted all technological means needed to avoid it.
7. Access and use of this Website assigns you the user condition, accepting with said access the Use Conditions announced here.
8. This Website provides the user access to information and contents of which the user takes responsibility for, extending to the registry process that may be needed to access said services or contents.
During the registry process, the user will be equally responsible of providing true, legitimate and updated information, as well as making diligent and confidential use of the access data provided.
The user commits him/herself to making an adequate use of the information, content and services present in this Website, and specially to not perform any action that may cause physical or logical damage to the system, as well trying to access the Website in a fraudulent way making use of unauthorized access data.
Both the access to this Website and the use that may be given of the information contained in the mentioned site, are an exclusive responsibility of the one performing it. The user will be responsible of all actions performed with his/her user ID. In specific, he/she will be responsible of choosing, as password and password reminder, robust and secure sentences; this is, numbers and letters and, in the systems that allow it, punctuation marks and special characters, hard to guess. Specifically, the user will avoid choosing words from the dictionary, words that are related to him/herself (family name, address, date of birth, etc.) or easy to guess (names and months combinations, prefixes and suffixes, etc.). EJIFRIN, S.L. will not answer to any consequence, or liquidated damage that might result from said access or use of the information.
What personal data do we collect, and why?
Contact Forms
When the visitors or clients send us a message through the contact form we collect their email address, attached files if they are uploaded (optional), the contact message, date and time it was sent. For example, we can use this data to reply to your request and give answer to questions, complaints or doubts that you may have relative to the information included on the Website, services provided through the Website, the treat your personal data receive, questions regarding legal texts included in the Website, or any other consultation you may have that is not related to hiring conditions. These messages are stored in our system with the purpose of servicing the client over the course of 5 years. We don’t use information sent through the contact form for marketing purposes.
Embedded content from other Websites
Articles and pages in this Website can include embedded content (for example, videos, images, maps, etc.). Embedded content from other Websites behaves exactly the same way as if the visitor would have visited the other Website.
These Websites can collect data about you, use cookies, embed an additional third party monitoring, and supervise your interaction with this embedded content, including its interaction follow-up with the embedded content if you have an account and are connected to that Website.
How long do we store your data?
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are stored indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve successive comments automatically instead of keeping them in a moderation queue.
From users that register or order from our Website, we also store the personal data they hand out in their user profile. All users can see, edit or delete their personal information at any given time. Website administrators can also see and edit this information. This data is stored in a client database, and can be visualized by the administrator in the client section of our Website administration. This personal data, orders and/or bills, will be stored for a maximum of 5 years.
Your data is stored in our Internet Service Provider (, inside the EU.
This Website can use “cookies” in its performance, informing the user of its purpose to enhance the provision fo the services offered, adapting them to the user’s preferences and recognize him in his different visits to the Website. Cookies relate only to an anonymous user and his/her computer, and do not give references that allow us to get any personal data from them.
We use third party cookies to analyze usage statistics of our Website. We collect data about location by country, city, type of device, web browser type, operating system, service provider, number of visits, length of visit, time and date of visit. All of this data is collected anonymously. This cookies expires after 2 years.
2. Labour Pool.
If you send us your CV we inform you that the data provided will be incorporated to EJIFRIN, S.L.’s files, as to be part of our labour pool.
3. Data provided by third parties.
In case the request included personal data, provided by persons not legally holding them, the user will, previous to its inclusion, inform said persons of the extremes contained in the previous paragraphs. EJIFRIN, S.L. is exempt of any responsibility from the non-compliance of this requisite.
4. Data of minors.
It is unauthorized to provide data from people under 14 years old through this Website. EJIFRIN, S.L. is exempt of any responsibility from the non-compliance of this requisite. People under 14 cannot use our product purchase service or any other service in the Website, they can only visualize its content and with the escort of a responsible adult can generate purchase processes. To register on our Website we will ask you for your date of birth to ensure that you are over 14 years old.
5. Comunicaciones comerciales por medios electrónicos.
Las comunicaciones que se realicen por correo electrónico o por cualquier otro medio electrónico, serán las necesarias para gestionar su solicitud. No obstante, serán aquellas que hayan sido consentidas o autorizadas expresamente por los destinatarios
6. Redes Sociales.
Al hacerte fan, seguidor o análogos de nuestra empresa en la vertiente de las distintas redes sociales, en el contexto de este tratamiento debes tener en cuenta que EJIFRIN, S.L. únicamente puede consultar o dar de baja tus datos de forma restringida al tener un perfil específico. Cualquier rectificación de tus datos o restricción de información o de publicaciones debes realizarlas a través de la configuración de tu perfil o usuario en la propia red social. Por defecto consientes:
- El tratamiento de tus datos personales en el entorno de dicha red social y conforme a sus políticas de Privacidad.
- El acceso de EJIFRIN, S.L. a los datos contenidos en tu perfil o biografía, dependiendo de la configuración que tengas de tu privacidad en cada red, estos serán más o menos amplios.
- A que las noticias publicadas sobre nuestros eventos, o nuestros comentarios pueda aparecer en tu muro o biografía.
- A recibir comunicaciones sobre nuestros productos/eventos. Si quieres dejar de seguirnos, sólo tienes que pinchar la opción “Dejar de ser fan” o “dejar de seguir”.
7. Medidas de seguridad.
El responsable del fichero ha adoptado los niveles de seguridad de protección de los Datos Personales legalmente requeridos, y ha instalado todos los medios y medidas técnicas a disposición según el estado de la tecnología para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los Datos Personales facilitados.
Para la protección de tus datos utilizamos medidas técnicas tales como el cifrado de envío de datos con certificado SSL. Las contraseñas del acceso a tu cuenta están protegidas por cifrados y no es posible tener acceso a ellas por parte de los administradores del sitio web. Si ha olvidado la contraseña deberá restablecerla.
8. Derechos sobre tus datos
Las personas interesadas tienen derecho a:
- Solicitar el acceso a los datos personales relativos al interesado
- Solicitar su rectificación o supresión
- Solicitar la limitación de su tratamiento
- Oponerse al tratamiento
- Solicitar la portabilidad de los datos
El presente aviso legal y condiciones generales se rigen por la legislación Española y cualquier tipo de controversia o litigio relativo al uso de este sitio Web será interpretado conforme a las leyes vigentes en el lugar de residencia del propietario de este sitio web, teniendo competencia para la resolución de todo litigio o conflicto que pueda surgir los Juzgados y Tribunales competentes dentro del ámbito territorial Español, renunciando expresamente el usuario a cualquier otro fuero.